Sunday, February 8, 2009

Dancing Queen

I woke up this morning wanting to dance.
I danced in the hall. I danced in the living room.
I danced in the breakfast nook. I danced in the kitchen.
I danced as I made coffee.
I danced as I cooked waffles.
I danced like a psycho. I danced like a dancing queen.
I danced like a disco star.
I dance because it makes me feel good.

Did you dance too?

Saturday, February 7, 2009

March 12

Dear Stargirl,

Hey, you're a big girl now. Stop being such a baby... You want to talk loss, look at all the loss around you. How about the man in the red and yellow plaid scarf? He lost Grace. BELOVED WIFE. I'll bet they were married over 50 years... And you have the gall to be sad in the same world as that man.

Betty Lou. She's lost the confidence to leave her house. Look at you. Have you ever stopped to appreciate the simple ability to open your front door and step outside?

And Alvina the floor sweeper--she hates herself, and it seems she's got plenty of company. All she's losing is her childhood, her future, a world full of people who will never get to be her friends. How would you like to trade places with her?

Oh yes, let's not forget the foot shuffling guy at the stone piles. Moss-green pom-pom. What did he say to you? "Are you looking for me?" It seems like he hasn't lost much, has he? Only... HIMSELF!

Now look at you, sniveling like a baby... What don't you understand about the message? Hel-loooo? Anybody home in there? You have your whole life ahead of you, and all you're doing is looking back. Grow up, girl. There are some things they don't teach you in homeschool.

Your Birth Certificate Self,
Susan Caraway

- Love, Stargirl; Jerry Spinelli

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


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Image from janina

I am totally badass.

Say it to yourself now.

I. Am. Badass.

Scream it out loud; whisper it to yourself as you go to sleep at night.

I am badass.

Feels pretty amazing, huh?


Sunday, February 1, 2009

iCiNG Transformation Challenge!

What is the iCiNG Transformation Challenge? Well, it's a chance to transform yourself! A better explanation comes from the mouth of the unicorn herself:
For those of you who weren’t here for it last year, the iCiNG Transformation Challenge is an opportunity to achieve something you’ve wanted to do for a while but as yet, haven’t quite managed to hit out of the park."

Gala Darling did this last year, and she's doing it again and I've decided to jump on the bandwagon. For this year's iTC I have decided upon just three goals:

  1. Write something every day. Doesn't matter what. It could be a beautifully worded grocery list or a short story or a poem. So long as I do it with intent and to the best of my ability, it counts. I am hoping that this will cause me to grow artistically and creatively.
  2. Along the same vein, I will take at least one photograph each day. It can be an image that sums up the experience of my day, or a picture of one special moment. It can even just be an outfit shot or a hastily taken, 'Oooh, look! My cat is cute!' photo. I just have to take one.
  3. I will start playing my violin again. That doesn't necessarily mean practicing everyday, though. My goal is to play several times a week, and to be conscious in my efforts of improving my technique and style while doing it. As long as I am present during my practice, I will get more out of it than if I were just playing every day for the sake of playing. My hope is that as I get back into the groove, it will once again become impossible for me to put it down!

What about you guys? Are you up for the challenge?